Almansa, A. F., Barreto, Á., Kouremeti, N., González, R., Masoom, A., Toledano, C., Gröbner, J., García, R. D., González, Y., Kazadzis, S., Victori, S., Álvarez, Ó., Carreño, V., Cachorro, V. E., and Cuevas, E.: The Langley Ratio method, a new approach for transferring photometer calibration from direct sun measurements, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 659–675, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-17-659-2024, 2024.
García, R. D., Barreto, Á., Rey, C. Fraile-Nuez, E., González-Vega, A., González-Vega, A., León-Luis, S.F., Alcantara, A., Almansa, A. F., Guirado-Fuentes, C., González-Sicilia, P., Cachorro, V.E., and and Bouchar, F.: Aerosol retrievals derived from a low-cost Calitoo sun-photometer taken on board a research vessel. Atmospheric Environment, Volume 341, 15, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2024.120888, 2024
González, Y., Sánchez-Barrero, M. F., Popovici, I., Barreto, Á., Victori, S., Welton, E. J., García, R. D., Sicilia, P. G., Almansa, F. A., Torres, C., and Goloub, P.: Optical Properties of North Atlantic Aerosols Through a compact dual-wavelength depolarization Lidar Observations, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-2727, 2024.
Toledano, C., Taylor, S., Barreto, Á., Adriaensen, S., Berjón, A., Bialek, A., González, R., Woolliams, E., and Bouvet, M.: LIME: Lunar Irradiance Model of ESA, a new tool for absolute radiometric calibration using the Moon, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 3649–3671, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-24-3649-2024, 2024.
Zheng, J., Zhang, Z., DeSouza-Machado, S., Ryder, C. L., Garnier, A., Di Biagio, C., Yang, P., Welton, E.J., Yu, J., Barreto, A., Yela, M.: Assessment of Dust Size Retrievals Based on AERONET: A Case Study of Radiative Closure From Visible-Near-Infrared to Thermal Infrared, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106808, https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL106808.
Alvárez, Ó., Barreto, Á., García, O. E., Hase, F., García, R. D., Gröbner, J., León-Luis, S. F., Sepúlveda, E., Carreño, V., Alcántara, A., Ramos, R., Almansa, A. F., Kazadzis, S., Taquet, N., Toledano, C., and Cuevas, E.: Aerosol properties derived from ground-based Fourier transform spectra within the COllaborative Carbon Column Observing Network, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 4861–4884, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-16-4861-2023, 2023.
Córdoba-Jabonero, C., M. Sicard, Á. Barreto, C. Toledano, M. Á. López-Cayuela, C. Gil-Díaz, O. García, C. V. Carvajal-Pérez, A. Comerón, R. Ramos, C. Muñoz-Porcar, A. Rodríguez-Gómez, Fresh volcanic aerosols injected in the atmosphere during the volcano eruptive activity at the Cumbre Vieja area (La Palma, Canary Islands): Temporal evolution and vertical impact, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 300, 2023, 119667, ISSN 1352-2310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119667.
García, R.D.; García, O.E.; Cuevas-Agulló, E.; Barreto, Á.; Cachorro, V.E.; Marrero, C.; Almansa, F.; Ramos, R.; Pó, M. Spectral Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Efficiency of the La Palma Volcanic Plume over the Izaña Observatory. Remote Sens.,15, 173. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15010173,2023.
Romero-Campos P.M., García, R.D., Almansa, F.A., Barreto, A., García, O.E. and Ramos, R.: Medida del vapor de agua integrado en columna sobre el Observatorio Atmosférico de Izana mediante radiometría de microondas. Comparación con otras técnicas. Nota técnica de AEMET; N 40, NIPO: 666-23-008-5, https://doi.org/10.31978/666-23-008-5, 2023.
Salgueiro,V., J.L. Guerrero-Rascado, M.J. Costa, R. Román, A. Cazorla, A. Serrano, F. Molero, M. Sicard, C. Córdoba-Jabonero, D. Bortoli, A. Comerón, F.T. Couto, M.Á. López-Cayuela, D. Pérez-Ramírez, M. Potes, J.A. Muñiz-Rosado, M.A. Obregón, R. Barragán, D.C.F.S. Oliveira, J. Abril-Gago, R. González, C. Gíl-Díaz, I. Foyo-Moreno, C. Muñoz-Porcar, M.J. Granados-Muñoz, A. Rodríguez-Gómez, M. Herreras-Giralda, J.A. Bravo-Aranda, C.V. Carvajal-Pérez, A. Barreto, L. Alados-Arboledas, Characterization of Tajogaite volcanic plumes detected over the Iberian Peninsula from a set of satellite and ground-based remote sensing instrumentation, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 295, 2023, 113684, ISSN 0034-257, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2023.113684.
Barreto, Á., García, R. D., Guirado-Fuentes, C., Cuevas, E., Almansa, A. F., Milford, C., Toledano, C., Expósito, F. J., Díaz, J. P., and León-Luis, S. F.: Aerosol characterisation in the subtropical eastern North Atlantic region using long-term AERONET measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 11105–11124, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-11105-2022, 2022.
Barreto, Á., Cuevas, E., García, R. D., Carrillo, J., Prospero, J. M., Ilić, L., Basart, S., Berjón, A. J., Marrero, C. L., Hernández, Y., Bustos, J. J., Ničković, S., and Yela, M.: Long-term characterisation of the vertical structure of the Saharan Air Layer over the Canary Islands using lidar and radiosonde profiles: implications for radiative and cloud processes over the subtropical Atlantic Ocean, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 739–763, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-739-2022, 2022.
Bedoya-Velásquez, A.E.; Hoyos-Restrepo, M.; Barreto, A.; García, R.D.; Romero-Campos, P.M.; García, O.; Ramos, R.; Roininen, R.; Toledano, C.; Sicard, M.; Ceolato, R. Estimation of the Mass Concentration of Volcanic Ash Using Ceilometers: Study of Fresh and Transported Plumes from La Palma Volcano. Remote Sens. 14, 5680. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14225680, 2022.
Sicard, M.; Córdoba-Jabonero, C.; Barreto, A.; Welton, E.J.; Gil-Díaz, C.; Carvajal-Pérez, C.V.; Comerón, A.; García, O.; García, R.; López-Cayuela, M.-Á.; Muñoz-Porcar, C.; Prats, N.; Ramos, R.; Rodríguez-Gómez, A.; Toledano, C.; Torres, C. Volcanic Eruption of Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Spain: A First Insight to the Particulate Matter Injected in the Troposphere. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 2470.
García, R.D., Cuevas, E., Cachorro, V.E., García, O.E., Barreto, Á., Almansa, A.F., Romero-Campos, P.M., Ramos, R.; Pó, M.,Hoogendijk, K. and Gross, J: Water Vapor Retrievals from Spectral Direct Irradiance Measured with an EKO MS-711 Spectroradiometer-Intercomparison with Other Techniques, . Remote Sens. 13, 350. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13030350, 2021
Almansa, A.F.; Cuevas, E.; Barreto, Á.; Torres, B.; García, O.E.; Delia García, R.; Velasco-Merino, C.; Cachorro, V.E.; Berjón, A.; Mallorquín, M.; López, C.; Ramos, R.; Guirado-Fuentes, C.; Negrillo, R.; de Frutos, Á.M: Column Integrated Water Vapor and Aerosol Load Characterization with the New ZEN-R52 Radiometer, Remote Sens., 12, 1424, 2020
Barreto, Á.; García, O.E.; Schneider, M.; García, R.D.; Hase, F.; Sepúlveda, E.; Almansa, A.F.; Cuevas, E.; Blumenstock, T. Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals by Ground-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry. Remote Sens. 12, 3148, 2020
García-Cabrera, R. D., Cuevas-Agulló, E., Barreto, Á., Cachorro, V. E., Pó, M., Ramos, R., and Hoogendijk, K.: Aerosol retrievals from the EKO MS-711 spectral direct irradiance measurements and corrections of the circumsolar radiation, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 2601–2621, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-13-2601-2020, 2020.
González, R., Toledano, C., Román, R., Fuertes, D., Berjón, A., Mateos, D., Guirado-Fuentes, C., Velasco-Merino, C., Antuña-Sánchez, J. C., Calle, A., Cachorro, V. E., and de Frutos, Á. M.: Daytime and nighttime aerosol optical depth implementation in CÆLIS, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 9, 417–433, https://doi.org/10.5194/gi-9-417-2020, 2020.
Román, R., González, R., Toledano, C., Barreto, Á., Pérez-Ramírez, D., Benavent-Oltra, J. A., Olmo, F. J., Cachorro, V. E., Alados-Arboledas, L., and de Frutos, Á. M.: Correction of a lunar-irradiance model for aerosol optical depth retrieval and comparison with a star photometer,, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 6293–6310, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-13-6293-2020, 2020.
Barreto, A., R. Román, E. Cuevas, D. Pérez-Ramírez, A.J. Berjón, N. Kouremeti, S. Kazadzis, J. Gröbner, M. Mazzola, C. Toledano, J.A. Benavent-Oltra, L. Doppler, J. Juryšek, A.F. Almansa, S. Victori, F. Maupin, C. Guirado-Fuentes, R. González, V. Vitale, P. Goloub, L. Blarel, L. Alados-Arboledas, E. Woolliams, S. Taylor, J.C. Antuña, M. Yela: Evaluation of night-time aerosols measurements and lunar irradiance models in the frame of the first multi-instrument nocturnal intercomparison campaign, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 202, Pages 190-211, ISSN 1352-2310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.01.006, 2019.
Benavent-Oltra, J. A., Román, R., Casquero-Vera, J. A., Pérez-Ramírez, D., Lyamani, H., Ortiz-Amezcua, P., Bedoya-Velásquez, A. E., de Arruda Moreira, G., Barreto, Á., Lopatin, A., Fuertes, D., Herrera, M., Torres, B., Dubovik, O., Guerrero-Rascado, J. L., Goloub, P., Olmo-Reyes, F. J., and Alados-Arboledas, L.: Different strategies to retrieve aerosol properties at night-time with the GRASP algorithm, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 14149–14171, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-14149-2019, 2019
Berjón, A., Barreto, A., Hernández, Y., Yela, M., Toledano, C., and Cuevas, E.: A 10-year characterization of the Saharan Air Layer lidar ratio in the subtropical North Atlantic, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 6331-6349, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-6331-2019, 2019.
Cuevas, E., Romero-Campos, P. M., Kouremeti, N., Kazadzis, S., Räisänen, P., García, R. D., Barreto, A., Guirado-Fuentes, C., Ramos, R., Toledano, C., Almansa, F., and Gröbner, J.: Aerosol optical depth comparison between GAW-PFR and AERONET-Cimel radiometers from long-term (2005–2015) 1 min synchronous measurements, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 4309–4337, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-12-4309-2019, 2019.
García, R. D., Cuevas, E., Ramos, R., Cachorro, V. E., Redondas, A., and Moreno-Ruiz, J. A.: Description of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) station at the Izaña Observatory (2009–2017): measurements and quality control/assurance procedures, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 8, 77-96, https://doi.org/10.5194/gi-8-77-2019, 2019
García, R. D., Barreto, A., Cuevas, E., Gröbner, J., García, O. E., Gómez-Peláez, A., Romero-Campos, P. M., Redondas, A., Cachorro, V. E., and Ramos, R.: Comparison of observed and modeled cloud-free longwave downward radiation (2010–2016) at the high mountain BSRN Izaña station, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2139-2152, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-11-2139-2018, 2018.
Kazadzis, S., Kouremeti, N., Diémoz, H., Gröbner, J., Forgan, B. W., Campanelli, M., Estellés, V., Lantz, K., Michalsky, J., Carlund, T., Cuevas, E., Toledano, C., Becker, R., Nyeki, S., Kosmopoulos, P. G., Tatsiankou, V., Vuilleumier, L., Denn, F. M., Ohkawara, N., Ijima, O., Goloub, P., Raptis, P. I., Milner, M., Behrens, K., Barreto, A., Martucci, G., Hall, E., Wendell, J., Fabbri, B. E., and Wehrli, C.: Results from the Fourth WMO Filter Radiometer Comparison for aerosol optical depth measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 3185-3201, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-3185-2018, 2018.
López-Solano, J., Redondas, A., Carlund, T., Rodriguez-Franco, J. J., Diémoz, H., León-Luis, S. F., Hernández-Cruz, B., Guirado-Fuentes, C., Kouremeti, N., Gröbner, J., Kazadzis, S., Carreño, V., Berjón, A., Santana-Díaz, D., Rodríguez-Valido, M., De Bock, V., Moreta, J. R., Rimmer, J., Smedley, A.R.D, Boulkelia, L., Jepsen, N., Eriksen, P., Bais, A. F., Shirotov, V., Vilaplana, J. M., Wilson, K. M., and Karppinen, T.: Aerosol optical depth in the European Brewer Network, Atmos. Chem. Phys., https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-3885-2018, 2018.
Toledano, C., González, R., Fuertes, D., Cuevas, E., Eck, T. F., Kazadzis, S., Kouremeti, N., Gröbner, J., Goloub, P., Blarel, L., Román, R., Barreto, Á., Berjón, A., Holben, B. N., and Cachorro, V. E.: Assessment of Sun photometer Langley calibration at the high-elevation sites Mauna Loa and Izaña, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 14555-14567, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-14555-2018, 2018.
Almansa, A. F., Cuevas, E., Torres, B., Barreto, Á., García, R. D., Cachorro, V. E., de Frutos, Á. M., López, C., and Ramos, R.: A new zenith-looking narrow-band radiometer-based system (ZEN) for dust aerosol optical depth monitoring, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 565-579, doi:10.5194/amt-10-565-2017, 2017.
Barreto, Á., Román, R., Cuevas, E., Berjón, A. J., Almansa, A. F., Toledano, C., González, R., Hernández, Y., Blarel, L., Goloub, P., Guirado, C., and Yela, M.: Assessment of nocturnal aerosol optical depth from lunar photometry at the Izaña high mountain observatory, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 3007-3019, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-10-3007-2017, 2017.
Cuevas, E., A.J. Gómez-Peláez, S. Rodríguez, E. Terradellas, S. Basart, R.D. García, O.E. García, S. Alonso-Pérez: The pulsating nature of large-scale Saharan dust transport as a result of interplays between mid-latitude Rossby waves and the North African Dipole Intensity , Atmospheric Environment, 167, 586-602, ISSN 1352-2310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.08.059, 2017.
Román, R., B. Torres,D. Fuertes,V.E. Cachorro,O. Dubovik,C. Toledano,A. Cazorla,A. Barreto,J.L. Bosch,T. Lapyonok,R. González,P. Goloub,M.R. Perrone,F.J. Olmo,A. de Frutos,L. Alados-Arboledas: Remote sensing of lunar aureole with a sky camera: Adding information in the nocturnal retrieval of aerosol properties with GRASP code, Remote Sensing of Environment, 196, 238-252, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.05.013, 2017.
Barreto, A., Cuevas, E., Granados-Muñoz, M. J., Alados-Arboledas, L., Romero, P. M., Gröbner, J., Kouremeti, N., Almansa, A. F., Stone, T., Sorokin, M., Holben, B., Canini, M., and Yela, M.: The new sun-sky-lunar Cimel CE318-T multiband photometer – a comprehensive performance evaluation , Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 631-654, doi:10.5194/amt-9-631-2016, 2016.
García, R. D., García, O. E., Cuevas, E., Cachorro, V. E., Barreto, A., Guirado-Fuentes, C., Kouremeti, N., Bustos, J. J., Romero-Campos, P. M., and de Frutos, A. M.: Aerosol optical depth retrievals at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory from 1941 to 2013 by using artificial neural networks, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 53-62, doi:10.5194/amt-9-53-2016, 2016.
Mateos, D. ; V. E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; M. A. Burgos; Y. Bennouna; B. Torres; D. Fuertes; R. Gonzalez; C. Guirado; A. Calle; A. M. d. Frutos. Columnar and surface aerosol load over the Iberian Peninsula establishing annual cycles, trends, and relationships in five geographical sectors. Science of The Total Environment, 518-519 , pp. 378-392, 2015.
Román, R.; M. Antón; V. E. Cachorro; D. Loyola; J. P. O. d. Galisteo; A. d. Frutos; P. M. Romero-Campos. Comparison of total water vapour column from GOME-2 on MetOp-A against ground-based GPS measurements at the Iberian Peninsula. Science of Total Environment, 533 , 317-328, 2015.
Barreto, A., Cuevas, E., Pallé, P., Romero, P. M., Guirado, C., Wehrli, C. and Almasa, F.: Recovering Long-term Aerosol Optical Depth Series (1976–2012) from an Astronomical Potassium-based Resonance Scattering Spectrometer, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 4103-4116, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-7-4103-2014, 2014.
García, R. D., Cuevas, E., García, O. E., Cachorro, V. E., Pallé, P., Bustos, J. J., Romero-Campos, P. M., and de Frutos, A. M.: Reconstruction of global solar radiation time series from 1933 to 2013 at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3139-3150, doi:10.5194/amt-7-3139-2014, 2014.
García, R.D., O.E, García, E. Cuevas, V.E. Cachorro, P.M. Romero-Campos, R. Ramos and A.M. de Frutos, Solar radiation measurements compared to simulations at the BSRN Izaña station. Mineral dust radiative forcing and efficiency study, JGR-Atmospheres, Vol 119, 1-16, DOI: 10.1002/2013JD020301, 2014
Guirado, C., Cuevas, E., Cachorro, V. E., Toledano, C., Alonso-Pérez, S., Bustos, J. J., Basart, S., Romero, P. M., Camino, C., Mimouni, M., Zeudmi, L., Goloub, P., Baldasano, J. M., and de Frutos, A. M.: Aerosol characterization at the Saharan AERONET site Tamanrasset, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 11753-11773, doi:10.5194/acp-14-11753-2014, 2014.
Barreto, A., Cuevas, E., Damiri, B., Romero, P. M., and Almansa, F.: Column water vapor determination in night period with a lunar photometer prototype, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2159-2167, doi:10.5194/amt-6-2159-2013, 2013.
Barreto, A., Cuevas, E., Damiri, B., Guirado, C., Berkoff, T., Berjón, A. J., Hernández, Y., Almansa, F., and Gil, M.: A new method for nocturnal aerosol measurements with a lunar photometer prototype , Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 585-598, doi:10.5194/amt-6-585-2013, 2013.
PhD theses:
Fernando Almansa: Atmospheric aerosols detection by measuring the scattered solar radiation and emission in the thermal infrared spectral range, University of Valladolid, 14th July 2021, Supervisors: Dr Emilio Cuevas (IARC-AEMET), Dr. Benjamín Torres (GRASP-LOA; University of Lille, France) and Prof. Dr Ángel de Frutos (University of Valladolid)
Carmen Yballa Hernández Pérez; Vertical structure characterization of aerosols above the eastern subtropical region of the North Atlantic; CIAI-AEMET; 19th September 2017; Supervisors: Dr. África Barreto (Cimel Electronique –University of Valladolid), Dr. Alberto Berjón (University of Valladolid) and Dr. Manuel Arbelo (University of La Laguna).
Carmen Guirado Fuentes; Characterization of the total column aerosol properties in the subtropical region; University of Valladolid; June 19, 2015; Supervisors: Emilio Cuevas (IARC-AEMET) and Ángel de Frutos (University of Valladolid).
Benjamín Torres; Study on the influence of different error sources on sky radiance measurements and inversion-derived aerosol products in the frame of AERONET; University of Valladolid, 2012; Supervisors: Alberto J. Berjón (IARC-AEMET-University of Valladolid) and Carlos Toledano (University of Valladolid).
Rosa Delia García Cabrera; Aplicación de Modelos de Transferencia Radiativa para el Control Operativo del programa BSRN (Baseline Surface Radiation Network) del Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña; University of Valladolid; 16 de Diciembre de 2011; Supervisors: Victoria Cachorro Revilla (University of Valladolid) and Emilio Cuevas (IARC-AEMET).